Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Forecast

So here are some of the next meals I will be sharing with you...  The sharing of these depends on when I actually make it to the grocery store....  Yes, I still haven't gone, I think its been over two weeks now.  I dread taking the twins and Emma shopping.  Not that they misbehave but 2 infant car seats, a 4 year old and 2 carts.   I am WAY out numbered.  Then there is all the people that stop you to ask you if you have twins, and usually half way through a trip the smartass in me wants to reply, "no, I just happened to have 2 kids the same age that aren't twins."  Anyways, all that aside I am hope to hit the stores Monday"ish".

So the recipes in the future will be

Pea-prosciutto sauce with ravioli
Crispy bread sticks
Neapolitan ice cream sandwiches
Everything but the kitchen sink baked pasta
potato and farmer sausage
grilled summer ribs
Banana Cream Pie
Chocolate Meringue Pie
Pizza buns
ham and cheese pinwheels

Nothing sounds good lately.  I am uninspired.  I wish someone would do all my meal planning for me for like a week so I can have a "planning vaca".

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