Friday, February 18, 2011

A Mennonite Lunch

Klissen or Kielke

  • 3 cups flour

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/2 cup milk

Stir together the eggs and the milk and the salt. Slowly stir in the flour and then knead the dough until nice and smooth. Put into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap for several hours or overnight.

Put a bit of flour on the counter and begin to roll the dough out quite thin .. adding more flour underneath as needed. You don't want the dough to stick, and adding too much flour won't be a problem.

Once it is rolled out. . .it can sit for several hours without problem. About 1 hour before dinner, spread a bit of flour over all the dough. Cut large strips about 2 inches wide across all the dough.

Stack about 4 or 5 strips at a time on top of one another as you can see in the above collage.
In a small saucepan, bring to boil, 1/2 cup butter and whipping cream and add a bit of salt and pepper to taste. Turn down to a simmer.
Saute, several large onions until golden brown.
Bring to boil, a large pot of salted water. Boil the noodles for a few minutes. . they don't take very long at all. Once they are floating. . .taste one to make sure it is done.
Drain into a colander .. .put in a large  bowl and pour the cream sauce over top, stir and serve with the onions on the side. . unless everyone loves onions.

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