Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sick, tired, having a crappy week- not cooking today!

Last Wednesday my husbands VW engine exploded.  So Friday he had my car at work.  Well when he went to come home the mini (what we call our van) wouldn't start.  It would crank over but there was no spark.  So we worked on it all weekend.  During which we all were sick.  Finally Monday came around and we sent mini the a mechanic.  After a frustrating day the mechanic called to inform us it was our security system and its locking down the system.  To have it replaced is $500-600.  So we ok'd it (thank god we have the cash to pay for it but its still sad).  The next day the mechanic called to tell us its a part that has to be order direct so he's over nighting it from Michigan.  Needless to say husband has been walking to work and the kids and I have been home bound.  We are hoping to have mini home tomorrow for Emmas t-ball practice other wise dh will be pushing her in a stroller the 3 miles to t-ball and back.

I'm sick, cranky, without a voice, pounding head and declaring it left over day!

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